2006.10.25. 17:08
TRANSCRIPT: ==========================
(FADE IN: Manning, Colorado. Present Day. Bar. Night. An older man, DANIEL ELKINS, is sitting at the bar, writing in a journal very similar to that of John Winchester. The bartender, BETH, comes over to him.)
BETH: Mr. Elkins? (He does not hear her and continues to write.) Mr. Elkins? (He looks up.) Would you like another?
DANIEL: Yeah. Thanks, Beth. (She smiles and walks over to another man who is also seated at the bar.)
MAN: I thought they caught the Unabomber.
BETH: Yeah, poor Mr. Elkins lives all alone up in the canyon. Same seat every day, goin’ through his papers, makin’ his little notes. He’s a nice old man. He’s just a nut. (She sets a beer down in front of him and walks back to DANIEL. She picks up a bottle and refills DANIEL’s glass.) Here ya go. (Suddenly, DANIEL looks up curiously, seemingly able to sense something. The door opens and a group of men enter, along with an attractive woman, KATE. DANIEL watches them carefully as they sit down at a table. BETH begins to talk to them.) What’ll you have?
KATE: Jack all around. Leave the bottle.
BETH: You hungry?
KATE: We have dinner plans.
BETH: Okay. (She walks away to get the bottle.) Can I get you somethin’ else, Mr. Elkins? (She turns and sees DANIEL has left, leaving his drink untouched. She looks up just in time to see the bar door closing.)
(CUT TO: EXT. – Elkins’ Residence. DANIEL pulls up in the driveway in his truck and gets out. He enters the house, making sure no one is behind him, and shuts the door.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Elkins’ Residence. DANIEL seems to feel someone in the room and turns around. KATE enters.)
KATE: It’s been a while. I’ve gotta say, you look old. (Her eyes glint silver.)
DANIEL: What do you want?
KATE: What do you think? (DANIEL suddenly takes a knife out of his pocket and throws it at her, stabbing her in the chest.) Damn. (She takes the knife out of her, unharmed.) You can do better than that. (DANIEL walks into his office and shuts the door, barricading it with a bookcase. Hidden behind a wall is a safe. DANIEL begins to turn the combination lock.)
DANIEL: Come on, come on. (He gets the safe open and takes out a wooden box. He opens the box, revealing a Colt revolver and five bullets. He hurriedly begins loading the gun as KATE tries to break down the door. Just as he puts the gun back together, two men from the bar crash through the glass ceiling. DANIEL drops the revolver as the men pin him to the ground. KATE finally breaks down the door and enters the room. She walks over to the gun, picks it up, and examines it.)
KATE: Nice gun. Wouldn’t do you much good, of course. Boys? (The men look up at her.) We’re eating in tonight. (The camera cuts to the outside of the house as DANIEL screams. The screen goes black.)
(FADE IN: INT. – Diner. SAM and DEAN are seated at a table. DEAN is reading the newspaper and SAM is researching on the computer. DEAN folds the newspaper and sets it down on the table.)
DEAN: All right, dude. Not a decent lead in all of Nebraska. What do you got?
SAM: Well, I’ve been scanning Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota. Here, a woman in Iowa fell ten thousand feet from an airplane and survived.
DEAN: That sounds more like “That’s incredible” than, uh, “Twilight Zone”.
SAM: Yeah.
DEAN: Hey, you know, we could, uh—we could just keep it in the east. New York, upstate. We could stop by and see Sarah again, huh? (He smiles.) She’s a cool chick, man—smokin’. (He whistles.) You two seemed pretty friendly. What do you say? (SAM laughs.)
SAM: Yeah, maybe, someday. But in the meantime, we’ve got a lot of work to do, Dean, and you know that. (DEAN rolls his eyes.)
DEAN: Yeah, you’re right. What else you got?
SAM: Uh, Manning, Colorado—a local man by the name of Daniel Elkins was found mauled in his home.
DEAN: Elkins? I know that name.
SAM: Doesn’t ring a bell. (As he continues to talk, DEAN takes out his father’s journal and leafs through it.) It sounds like the police don’t know what to think. At first, they said it was some sort of bear attack, and now, they found signs of robbery.
DEAN: Mm-hmm. (He continues looking through the journal, and stops when he seems to find something.) Here. Check it out. (He hands the journal to SAM. There is a phone number listed for D. Elkins.)
SAM: You think it’s the same Elkins?
DEAN: It’s a Colorado area code. (The two of them exchange a look.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Elkins’ Residence. Night. DEAN and SAM enter the house, flashlights in hand, and begin to look around.)
DEAN: Looks like the maid didn’t come today. (SAM crouches down by the front door and notices salt on the ground.)
SAM: Hey, there’s salt over here—right inside the door.
DEAN: You mean, like, protection-against-demons salt, or, uh, “Oops, I spilled the popcorn” salt?
SAM: It’s clearly a ring. You think this guy, Elkins, was a player?
DEAN: Definitely. (SAM walks over to DEAN, who is looking through Elkins’ journal.)
SAM: That looks a hell of a lot like Dad’s.
DEAN: Yeah, except this dates back to the sixties.
(CUT TO: EXT. – Elkins’ Residence. A man is standing with his back to the camera as he watches the house from behind a few trees.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Elkins’ Residence. DEAN and SAM enter the office and continue to look around.)
SAM: Whatever attacked him, it looks like there was more than one.
DEAN: Looks like he put up a hell of a fight, too.
SAM: Yeah. (They continue searching the room. DEAN finds the box which held the Colt revolver, but it is now empty. He also sees several scratches that have been carved into the wooden floor. He bends down to examine them.) You got somethin’?
DEAN: I don’t know, just some scratches in the floor.
SAM: Death throes, maybe?
DEAN: Yeah, maybe. (He grabs a piece of paper and a pencil from Elkins’ desk. DEAN places the paper on the floor, on top of the scratches, and begins to quickly move the pencil back and forth over the paper. When he is done, he looks at it carefully.) Or maybe a message. (He hands the paper to SAM.) Look familiar?
SAM: Three letters, six digits—the location and combination of a post office box. It’s a mail drop.
DEAN: That’s just the way Dad does it.
(CUT TO: EXT. – Post Office. Through the window, we see SAM and DEAN inside. DEAN turns the combination lock and opens the box. He pulls out a letter. He sees something strange on the envelope and shows it to SAM, who also looks slightly shocked.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Car. DEAN and SAM are examining the envelope. The letter is addressed to “J.W.”)
SAM: J.W.—you think? John Winchester?
DEAN: I don’t know. Should we open it? (Suddenly, someone knocks loudly on the window. DEAN jumps and turns to see JOHN standing outside.) Dad? (He exchanges a confused look with SAM. JOHN gets in the backseat of the car.)
SAM: Dad, what are you doing here? Are you all right?
JOHN: Yeah. I’m okay. Look, I read the news about Daniel. I got here as fast as I could. I saw you two up at his place.
SAM: Why didn’t you come in, Dad?
JOHN: You know why—because I had to make sure you weren’t followed, by anyone, or anything. (DEAN nods gratefully.) Nice job of covering your tracks, by the way.
DEAN: Yeah, well, we learn from the best.
SAM: Wait, so, you came all the way out here for this Elkins guy?
JOHN: (sadly) Yeah. He was….he was a good man. He taught me a hell of a lot about hunting.
SAM: You never mentioned him to us.
JOHN: We had, uh….we had kind of a falling out. I hadn’t seen him in years. (about the letter) I should look at that. (DEAN hands it to him. JOHN opens the letter and reads it.) “If you’re reading this, I’m already dead.” That son of a bitch.
DEAN: What is it?
JOHN: He had it the whole time.
SAM: Dad, what?
JOHN: When you searched the place, did you see a gun? An antique—a Colt revolver, did you see it?
DEAN: Uh, there was an old case, but it was empty.
JOHN: They have it.
DEAN: You mean, whatever killed Elkins?
JOHN: We’ve got to pick up the trail. (He gets out of the car.)
SAM: Wait. (JOHN talks to them through the open car window.) You want us to come with you?
JOHN: If Elkins was tellin’ the truth, we’ve got to find this gun.
SAM: The gun? Why?
JOHN: Because it’s important, that’s why.
SAM: Dad, we don’t even know what these things are yet.
JOHN: They were what Daniel Elkins killed best—vampires.
DEAN: Vampires? I thought there was no such thing.
SAM: You never even mentioned them, Dad.
JOHN: I thought they were extinct. I thought Elkins and others had wiped ‘em out. (He pauses.) I was wrong.
(CUT TO: Woods. The vampires from the bar are in the woods, sitting around a parked car. They are drinking and laughing.)
JOHN: (VO) Most vampire lore is crap. A cross won’t repel them, sunlight won’t kill them, and neither will a stake to the heart. But the bloodlust—that part’s true. They need fresh human blood to survive. They were once people, so you won’t know it’s a vampire until it’s too late. (A car is about to pass the woods. KATE turns to one of the male vampires, BO.)
KATE: All yours, baby. (BO smiles wickedly.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Car. A man and a woman are driving. The woman chuckles.)
MAN: What?
WOMAN: Well, I guess you showed that guy.
MAN: What guy?
WOMAN: The guy who bet you you wouldn’t buy that shirt.
MAN: I love this shirt. (The woman laughs and rolls her eyes. Suddenly, she sees BO laying in the street, seemingly dead.)
WOMAN: Look out! (The man slams on the brakes.) What happened to him?
MAN: Call 911. (He gets out of the car and crouches down next to BO. He rolls BO on his back. Suddenly, BO opens his eyes. He smiles, and a set of fangs appear. The man screams as BO grabs him and bites him. The screen goes black.)
(FADE IN: Motel Room. DEAN and SAM are sleeping. JOHN is listening to a walkie-talkie.)
JOHN: Sam, Dean, let’s go. (They wake up.) Picked up a police call.
SAM: What happened?
JOHN: A couple called 911. They found a body in the street. Cops got there, everyone was missing. It’s the vampires.
SAM: How do you know?
JOHN: Just follow me, okay? (He leaves.)
DEAN: (to himself) Vampires—gets funnier every time I hear it.
(CUT TO: Road. JOHN is talking to the police while SAM and DEAN wait by the car.)
SAM: I don’t see why we couldn’t have gone over with him.
DEAN: Oh, don’t tell me it’s already starting.
SAM: What’s starting? (JOHN walks back over to them.)
DEAN: (to JOHN) What do you got?
JOHN: It was them, all right. Looks like they’re headin’ west. We’re gonna have to double back to get around that detour.
SAM: How can you be so sure?
DEAN: Sam—
SAM: I just wanna know we’re goin’ in the right direction.
JOHN: We are.
SAM: How do you know? (JOHN takes something out of his pocket.)
JOHN: I found this. (DEAN takes it from him.)
DEAN: It’s a vampire fang.
JOHN: No fangs—teeth. The second set descends when they attack. (to SAM) Any more questions? (SAM is silent.) All right, let’s get out of here, we’re losin’ daylight. Hey, Dean, why don’t you touch up your car before you get rust? I wouldn’t have given you the damn thing if I thought you were gonna ruin it. (He gets in his own truck. SAM laughs, but DEAN doesn’t.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Car. SAM and DEAN are driving. DEAN is reading from some research on vampires.)
DEAN: Vampires nest in groups of eight to ten. Smaller packs are sent out to hunt for food. Victims are taken to the nest, where the pack keeps them alive, bleeding them for days or weeks. I wonder if that’s what happened to that 911 couple.
SAM: That’s probably what Dad’s thinking. Of course, it would be nice if he just told us what he thinks.
DEAN: So, it is starting.
SAM: What?
DEAN: Sam, we’ve been lookin’ for Dad all year. Now we’re not with him for more than a couple of hours, and there’s static already?
SAM: No. Look, I’m happy he’s okay, all right? And I’m happy that we’re all workin’ together again.
DEAN: Good.
SAM: It’s just the way he treats us like we’re children.
DEAN: Oh, God.
SAM: He barks orders at us, Dean, he expects us to follow him without question. He keeps us on some crap need-to-know deal.
DEAN: He does what he does for a reason.
SAM: What reason?
DEAN: Our job! There’s no time to argue, there’s no margin for error, all right, it’s just the way the old man runs—
SAM: Yeah, well, maybe that worked when we were kids, but not anymore, all right? Not after everything you and I have been through, Dean. I mean, are you tellin’ me you’re cool with just fallin’ into line and lettin’ him run the whole show?
DEAN: (after a pause) If that’s what it takes. (SAM rolls his eyes, angry.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Vampire’s Nest. Several vampires are hanging around, drinking and enjoying themselves. The couple from earlier are tied to a post. BO walks over to them, beer bottle in hand.)
BO: (to the man) Have some beer, buddy. It’ll calm your nerves.
MAN: No, thanks.
BO: Oh, come on. You drink enough, I can taste it in your blood. (KATE walks over to them.)
KATE: That’s gross. (BO laughs and takes a swig. He moves over to the woman.)
BO: How ‘bout you, babe? (He brings the bottle to her lips and tips it back, forcing her to drink. KATE watches, smiling.) ‘Atta girl. (He takes the bottle back. The woman spits the alcohol into his face. He gets ready to backhand her.)
KATE: Bo! (He stops himself.) Wait for Luther. (A second later, LUTHER, another vampire, enters the building. KATE smiles. She jumps on him and kisses him passionately. After a minute, they break apart.)
LUTHER: I missed you, too, baby.
KATE: We’ve got presents. (She grins and brings LUTHER over to the couple. LUTHER strokes the woman’s face.)
LUTHER: She looks interesting. (He looks at the man.) He doesn’t. Lock him up. (BO takes the man away.) On second thought, go ahead and treat yourselves. (BO takes the man over to a group of several vampires. They begin attacking him. The woman screams and cries in protest.)
KATE: There’s something else. (She brings LUTHER over to a table, where plenty of money and valuables lay.)
LUTHER: This all theirs?
KATE: No. It’s from an old friend of yours—Daniel Elkins. I caught his set, and I thought I’d surprise you.
LUTHER: Kate, what did you do?
KATE: I made him suffer.
LUTHER: You shouldn’t have done that.
KATE: Luther—
LUTHER: There are others like him. They’ll know the signs and come lookin’ for us. We have to be careful.
KATE: Luther, I did it for you—for what he did to your family.
LUTHER: Revenge isn’t worth much if you end up dead. (She pauses.)
KATE: I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry. (LUTHER picks up the Colt revolver and examines it.) I thought you might like that. It looks like it was made around the time you were born.
LUTHER: I’ve seen this before.
KATE: Elkins died with it in his hands. He should’ve known better—using a gun. (LUTHER shakes his head.)
LUTHER: This is no ordinary gun.
(CUT TO: INT. - Car. While SAM drives, DEAN is on the phone with JOHN.)
DEAN: Yeah, Dad. All right, got it. (He hangs up.) Pull off at the next exit.
SAM: Why?
DEAN: Because Dad thinks we’ve got the vampires’ trail.
SAM: How?
DEAN: I don’t know, he didn’t say. (SAM suddenly steps on the gas forcefully, and speeds down the road. He cuts in front of JOHN’s truck and pulls over. JOHN pulls over also. All three of them get out of their cars.) Oh, crap. Here we go. Sam!
JOHN: (approaching SAM) What the hell was that?
SAM: We need to talk.
JOHN: About what?
SAM: About everything. Where we goin’, Dad? What’s the big deal about this gun?
DEAN: Sammy, come on, we can Q and A after we kill all the vampires.
JOHN: Your brother’s right, we don’t have time for this.
SAM: Last time we saw you, you said it was too dangerous to be together. Now, out of the blue, you need our help. Now, obviously, something big is goin’ down, and we wanna know what!
JOHN: Get back in the car.
SAM: No.
JOHN: I said get back in the damn car.
SAM: Yeah. And I said no.
DEAN: All right, you made your point, tough guy. Look, we’re all tired. We can talk about this later. Sammy, I mean it, come on. (He pushes SAM back to the car.)
SAM: (under his breath) This is why I left in the first place.
JOHN: What’d you say?
SAM: (turning back to JOHN) You heard me.
JOHN: Yeah. You left. Your brother and me, we needed you. You walked away, Sam, you walked away! (He grabs SAM by his shirt.)
DEAN: Stop it, both of you!
SAM: You were the one who said “Don’t come back”, Dad. You’re the one who closed that door, not me! You were just pissed off you couldn’t control me anymore! (DEAN tries to pull the two of them apart.)
DEAN: All right, stop it, stop it—stop it, that’s enough! (He breaks them up. He turns to his father.) That means you, too. (SAM and JOHN angrily get back in their cars. DEAN looks around.) Terrific. (He gets in the car.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Vampire’s Nest. Most of the vampires are sleeping. KATE and LUTHER are kissing very passionately on a table. They begin to undress each other. KATE notices the frightened woman watching them from where she is tied up. LUTHER turns and sees her also.)
LUTHER: You like to watch, huh? Me, too. (He turns back to KATE.) Ready, baby? (They kiss. When they break apart, they walk over to the woman. KATE strokes the woman’s hair.)
WOMAN: (crying) Are you gonna kill me?
KATE: I’m gonna take you so high, you’re never gonna come down. (She turns to LUTHER and holds out her arm. LUTHER takes out a knife and cuts across KATE’s skin. Blood pours out of the wound. KATE sucks the blood and kneels down next to the woman. She grabs the woman’s face and kisses her, covering both of their mouths in blood. Moments later, she pulls away. LUTHER strokes the woman’s hair.)
LUTHER: Welcome home, baby. (The screen goes black.)
(FADE IN: EXT. – Vampire’s Nest. Morning. BO pulls up in
BO: I know what time it is.
LUTHER: Get in. (BO goes inside. After LUTHER looks around for a moment, he goes inside also. The three Winchesters are watching them from behind some trees.)
DEAN: Son of a bitch. So, they’re really not afraid of the sun?
JOHN: No, direct sunlight hurts like a nasty sunburn. The only way to kill them is by beheading. And, yeah, they sleep during the day. It doesn’t mean they won’t wake up.
DEAN: So I guess walking right in’s not our best option.
JOHN: Actually, that’s the plan.
(CUT TO: Later. JOHN and the boys are at their cars. Both of them open their trunks and take out their weapon cases. DEAN takes out a large knife and holds it out to JOHN.)
DEAN: Dad, I got an extra machete if you need one. (JOHN takes out a much newer one.)
JOHN: Think I’m okay. Thanks.
DEAN: Wow. (He turns back to his trunk. JOHN sighs.)
JOHN: So….you boys really wanna know about this Colt? (Slightly surprised, DEAN and SAM stop what they are doing. They turn to JOHN.)
SAM: Yes, sir.
JOHN: It’s just a story—a legend, really. Well, I thought it was. Never really believed it until I read Daniel’s letter. (As he continues talking, several flashbacks show the Colt revolver being made many years ago.) Back in 1835, when Halley’s Comet was overhead, the same night those men died at the Alamo, they say Samuel Colt made a gun—a special gun. He made it for a hunter—a man like us, only on horseback. The story goes he made thirteen bullets. This hunter used the gun a half dozen times before he disappeared, the gun along with him. Somehow, Daniel got his hands on it. (End Flashbacks. The scene returns to JOHN and the boys.) They say—they say this gun can kill anything.
DEAN: Kill anything, like, supernatural anything?
SAM: (in disbelief) Like the demon.
JOHN: Yeah, the demon. Ever since I picked up its trail, I’ve been lookin’ for a way to destroy that thing. Find the gun….we may have it. (The three of them share the same determined looks.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Vampire’s Nest. DEAN and SAM sneak in through a window, then close it behind them. They look around. Many vampires are sleeping in hammocks that are set up around the room. In another area of the nest, JOHN is also looking around. SAM and DEAN continue searching. DEAN tries to duck under a hammock. He accidentally kicks a glass bottle and hits the hammock instead. The vampire does not wake up. JOHN also continues searching. He finds LUTHER and KATE asleep in their bed together. In a leather case next to the bed is the Colt revolver. JOHN cautiously starts down the steps leading into the bedroom. LUTHER and KATE roll over but do not wake up. In another room, SAM and DEAN find the woman that the vampires have captured. She is still tied up, but fast asleep. SAM begins untying her ropes. Suddenly, they hear a noise.)
DEAN: There’s more. (DEAN walks over to a cage-like door. Through the bars, he can see several more men and women tied up, asleep. The door is padlocked. He grabs a crowbar and breaks the lock. He waits to see if the vampires will wake up, but they don’t. In the bedroom, JOHN finally reaches the gun. At the same time, SAM continues to untie the woman’s ropes. She begins to wake up.)
SAM: (whispering) Hey, hey, shh, I’m here to help you. (Although the audience cannot see her, the woman lets out a ghastly scream. SAM jumps and backs away from her. The vampires wake up. In the bedroom, LUTHER wakes up. He sees JOHN and throws him into the wall. JOHN picks up an empty liquor bottle and hurls it at the bedroom window. LUTHER and KATE turn to see it smash into pieces.)
JOHN: Boys, run! (SAM and DEAN run out of the nest, closely followed by the vampires. They run into the woods, but the vampires do not follow them there. The boys look around for JOHN.)
DEAN: Dad?! (JOHN does not respond.) Dad! (Seconds later, JOHN appears, running to meet them.)
JOHN: They won’t follow. They’ll wait ‘til tonight. Once a vampire gets your scent, it’s for life.
DEAN: What the hell do we do now?
JOHN: You got to find the nearest funeral home, that’s what. (DEAN and SAM exchange a confused look.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Motel Room. JOHN is sitting at a table, researching. SAM is standing up, pacing.)
SAM: It shouldn’t be taking this long. I should go help.
JOHN: Dean’s got it. (SAM doesn’t say anything.) Sammy….(SAM stops pacing.)
SAM: Yeah?
JOHN: (after a brief pause) I don’t think I ever told you this, but….the day you were born, you know what I did?
SAM: (confused) No.
JOHN: (smiling slightly) I put a hundred bucks into a savings account for you. I did the same thing for your brother. It was a college fund. And every month, I’d put in another hundred dollars, until….(He trails off.) Anyway, my point is, Sam, that….this is never the life that I wanted for you.
SAM: Then why’d you get so mad when I left?
JOHN: You got to understand something. After your mother passed, all I saw was evil, everywhere. And all I cared about was keeping you boys alive. I wanted you prepared—ready. So, somewhere along the line, I, uh….I stopped being your father. And I—I became your drill sergeant. (SAM comes to sit down across from him.) So, when you said that you wanted to go away to school, all I could think about—my only thought was that you were gonna be alone….vulnerable. Sammy, it just—it never occurred to me what you wanted. I just couldn’t accept the fact that you and me….we’re just different. (SAM, with tears in his eyes, laughs.) What?
SAM: We’re not different. Not anymore. With what happened to Mom and Jess….we probably have a lot more in common than just about anyone.
JOHN: (smiling) I guess you’re right, son. (SAM smiles half-heartedly.)
SAM: Hey, Dad? Whatever happened to that college fund?
JOHN: I spent it on ammo. (They both begin laughing. DEAN enters.)
DEAN: Whew! Man, there’s some heavy security to protect a bunch of dead guys.
JOHN: Did you get it? (DEAN pulls a paper bag out of his pocket. He opens the bag and takes out a jar of blood. He hands it to a smiling JOHN.) You know what to do. (He sets the jar down on the table.)
(CUT TO: Woods. Night. DEAN has opened the hood of his car and is looking inside. He hears KATE’s voice and turns around.)
KATE: Car trouble? Let me give you a lift. I’ll take you back to my place.
DEAN: Nah, I’ll pass. I usually draw the line at necrophilia.
KATE: Ooh. (She punches him, causing him to fall to the ground. HANK, another male vampire behind KATE, smiles. KATE grabs DEAN by the cheeks and lifts him up off the ground.)
DEAN: Well, I don’t normally get this friendly ‘til the second date, but….
KATE: You know, we could have some fun. I always like to make new friends. (She lowers him down and kisses him. After a few seconds, they break apart.)
DEAN: Sorry. I never really stay with a chick that long—definitely not eternity. (Suddenly, KATE and HANK are shot through the chest with arrows. KATE lets go of DEAN.)
KATE: Damn it. (JOHN and SAM come out from behind the trees, holding their weapons.) Barely even stings.
JOHN: Give it time, sweetheart. That arrow’s soaked in dead man’s blood. It’s like poison to you, isn’t it? (KATE’s smile fades. Her eyes glaze over and she falls backwards into DEAN’s arms.) Load her up. I’ll take care of this one. (DEAN, who is carrying KATE, walks away to JOHN’s truck, followed by SAM. JOHN walks over to HANK, who has sunk to his knees. JOHN raises his knife and beheads HANK, splattering blood everywhere. The screen goes black.)
(FADE IN: Woods. The three Winchesters are at JOHN’s truck. JOHN hands DEAN something.)
JOHN: Toss this on the fire. (They walk to a clearing, where a fire is burning. KATE is tied to a nearby tree.) Saffron, skunks, cabbage, and trillium—it’ll block our scent and hers until we’re ready.
DEAN: Stuff stinks.
JOHN: Well, that’s the idea. Dust your clothes with the ashes, and you’ll stand a chance of not being detected.
SAM: You sure they’ll come after her?
JOHN: Yeah. Vampires mate for life. She means more to the leader than the gun. But the blood sickness is gonna wear off soon. So you don’t have a lot of time.
SAM: Half-hour ought to do it.
JOHN: And then I want you out of the area as fast as you can.
SAM: But—
DEAN: Dad, you can’t take care of them all yourself.
JOHN: I’ll have her and the Colt.
SAM: But after—we’re gonna meet up, right? Use the gun together, right? (JOHN remains silent.) You’re leaving again, aren’t you? You still want to go after the demon alone? You know, I don’t get you. You can’t treat us like this.
JOHN: Like what?
SAM: Like children.
JOHN: You are my children. I’m trying to keep you safe.
DEAN: Dad, all due respect, but that’s a bunch of crap. (SAM and JOHN are surprised.)
JOHN: Excuse me?
DEAN: You know what Sammy and I have been huntin’. Hell, you sent us on a few huntin’ trips yourself. You can’t be that worried about keeping us safe.
JOHN: It’s not the same thing, Dean.
DEAN: Then what is it? Why do you want us out of the big fight?
JOHN: This demon? It’s a bad son of a bitch. I can’t make the same moves if I’m worried about keeping you alive.
DEAN: You mean you can’t be as reckless.
JOHN: Look….I don’t expect to make it out of this fight in one piece. Your mother’s death—it almost killed me. I can’t watch my children die, too. I won’t.
DEAN: What happens if you die? Dad, what happens if you die and we could have done somethin’ about it? You know, I’ve been thinkin’—I think maybe Sammy’s right about this one. I think we should do this together. (SAM nods.) We’re stronger as a family, Dad. We just are. You know it.
JOHN: We’re running out of time. You do your job, and you get out of the area. That’s an order. (He walks away.)
(CUT TO: Road. LUTHER and several other vampires watch as BO pulls up in his car. He and a female vampire get out of the car and approach the others.)
LUTHER: Is there any sign of those three?
BO: No, somethin’ else.
BO: Luther, they cut off Hank’s head.
LUTHER: And Kate?
BO: I don’t know. She wasn’t there. What are we gonna do? (They hear the sound of JOHN’s truck engine in the distance and turn to look at it.) It’s just a truck up on the highway.
LUTHER: Kate—she’s in that truck.
(CUT TO: Highway. In the passenger seat of JOHN’s truck, KATE begins to wake up, but she is very tired. JOHN looks in his rearview mirror and sees two cars following him.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Vampire’s Nest. BO is alone, drinking. He hears a noise coming from another part of the room. He goes to look around, but he sees nothing. When he turns around, DEAN is standing before him.)
DEAN: Boo. (He beheads BO.)
(CUT TO: Highway. JOHN continues to be followed. Then, a moment later, JOHN glances in his rearview mirror and sees that the cars are gone.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Vampire’s Nest. DEAN walks over to the cellar where the others are being held.)
DEAN: I told you I’d come back. (He breaks the lock of the door.)
(CUT TO: Highway. JOHN continues to drive. He turns around a bend and sees LUTHER and three other vampires standing by their cars. JOHN stops his truck.)
LUTHER: Get out! (JOHN gets out of the truck.) Who are you?
JOHN: The name’s Winchester.
LUTHER: Where are your friends?
JOHN: Cleanin’ out your nest.
LUTHER: Where’s Kate?
JOHN: Come here, sweetheart. (He pulls a rope and drags KATE out of the truck. Her hands are bound together. JOHN holds a knife in his hand as he brings her closer to LUTHER.)
LUTHER: Kate, you all right?
KATE: Dead man’s blood.
LUTHER: You son of a bitch.
JOHN: We want the Colt—Elkins’ gun. Trade.
LUTHER: Is that what this is all about? I mean, you can’t shoot us all, right? We’ll kill you.
JOHN: Oh, I don’t need it for you. I’m savin’ it for somethin’ else. Put the Colt down, or she goes first.
LUTHER: All right. Just don’t hurt her. (He takes the Colt out of his pocket and sets it down on the ground.)
JOHN: Back up. (LUTHER takes a few steps backwards.) Further. (He backs up even more. JOHN then steps forward and kneels down on the ground with KATE. She is able to grab the gun.)
LUTHER: That’s a nice move. You almost made it. (KATE hits JOHN with the gun and throws him into the front of the truck. The gun falls to the ground. LUTHER walks over to JOHN and hits him. JOHN goes sailing into the door of the truck and falls to the ground, seemingly unconscious. Suddenly, one of the vampires is shot in the chest with an arrow. The others turn to see DEAN and SAM running towards them. Another vampire gets shot with an arrow. LUTHER hits SAM, who falls to the ground. LUTHER gets him up and begins choking him. DEAN grabs a knife.) Don’t! I’ll break his neck. Put the blade down. (DEAN is completely still, holding the knife in midair. SAM is desperately gasping for breath. DEAN gives in and puts the weapon on the ground.) You people—why can’t you just leave us alone? We have as much right to live as you do.
JOHN: (OS) I don’t think so. (LUTHER and SAM turn. JOHN, holding the Colt, shoots LUTHER in the middle of the forehead. LUTHER lets go of SAM, who runs to DEAN. A trickle of blood runs down LUTHER’s nose. Everyone watches as LUTHER sinks to his knees.)
KATE: Luther! (There is a flash of light before LUTHER dies completely. KATE, livid, begins walking towards JOHN. A fellow vampire stops her.)
WOMAN: Kate, don’t! (The two women walk back to the car, angry, and drive away. SAM and DEAN look at their father, shocked. JOHN smiles triumphantly. The screen goes black.)
(FADE IN: INT. – Motel Room. SAM and DEAN are packing their things. JOHN enters.)
JOHN: So, boys….(They walk towards each other.)
SAM: Yes, sir?
JOHN: You ignored a direct order back there.
SAM: Yes, sir.
DEAN: But we saved your ass. (SAM is surprised.)
JOHN: You’re right.
DEAN: I am?
JOHN: It scares the hell out of me. You two are all I’ve got. But I guess we are stronger as a family. So….we go after this damn thing—together.
SAM and DEAN: Yes, sir. (All three of them share a knowing look. The screen fades to black.)
The End