(DEAN still says nothing.) Dean!
DEAN: Yeah. Looks like it. (SAM shakes his head, upset.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Newsroom. CASSIE, an African-American girl, is talking with two men. One is the mayor of the town, HAROLD TODD, who is Caucasian. The other, JIMMY ANDERSON, is African-American.)
JIMMY: It’s a newspaper we put out here, not a bulletin for the mayor’s office.
HAROLD: Get off your soapbox, Jimmy. I’m urging a little discretion is all.
CASSIE: No, I think you’re telling us what you want us to print, and what you want us to sit on.
HAROLD: I know you’re upset, Cassie. I liked your dad a lot. But I think your grief is clouding your judgment.
JIMMY: Two black people were killed on the same stretch of road in the same way in three weeks. (SAM and DEAN enter, but they are not seen by the three others.)
HAROLD: Jimmy, you’re too close to this. Those guys were friends of yours. (to CASSIE) Again, I’m very sorry for your loss. (The mayor and JIMMY walk away in separate directions. CASSIE turns around and sees SAM and DEAN. She looks stunned to see DEAN. DEAN nods at her and smiles weakly.)
CASSIE: (disbelieving) Dean. (She walks over to them.)
DEAN: Hey, Cassie. (They share an awkward silence, neither of them knowing what to say. SAM smiles, sensing the history between the two of them.) This is my brother, Sam. (CASSIE and SAM nod and smile at each other.) I’m sorry about your dad.
CASSIE: (sadly) Yeah. Me, too. (They continue to stare at each other.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Cassie’s house. Night. CASSIE is serving tea for SAM and DEAN.)
CASSIE: My mother’s in pretty bad shape. I’ve been staying with her. I wish she would walk by herself, she’s been so nervous and frightened. She was worried about Dad.
DEAN: Why?
CASSIE: He was scared. He was seeing things.
DEAN: Like what?
CASSIE: He swore he saw an awful-looking black truck following him.
SAM: A truck? Who was the driver?
CASSIE: He didn’t talk about a driver. Just the truck. He said it would appear and disappear. And in the accident, Dad’s truck was dented. Like it had been slammed into, by something big. (She hands them two cups of tea.)
SAM: Thanks. Now, you’re sure this dent wasn’t there before?
CASSIE: He sold cars. Always drove a new one. I mean, there wasn’t a scratch on that thing. It had rained hard that night, there was mud everywhere. There was a distinct set of muddy tracks from Dad’s car, leading right to the edge. (She starts to cry.) Where he went over. (She pauses.) One set of tracks—his.
DEAN: And the first person killed was a friend of your father’s?
CASSIE: Best friend. Clayton Solmes. They owned the car dealership together. (She shakes her head.) Same thing. Dent, no tracks. And the cops said exactly what they said about Dad—he lost control of his car.
DEAN: Now, can you think of any reason why your father and his partner might be targets?
SAM: And you think this vanishing truck ran him off the road?
CASSIE: (embarrassed) Oh, when you say it aloud like that. (She pauses.) Listen, I’m a little skeptical about this….ghost stuff, or whatever it is you guys are into.
DEAN: (chuckling) Skeptical. Yeah, if I remember, I think you said it was nuts.
CASSIE: (sadly) That was then.
DEAN: (coldly) Mm. (SAM looks at her sympathetically.)
CASSIE: I just know that I can’t explain what happened up there, so I called you. (CASSIE’s mother, who is Caucasian, enters.) Mom! Where have you been, I was so—
MRS. ROBINSON: Oh. I had no idea you’d invited friends over.
CASSIE: Uh, Mom, this is Dean, a friend of mine from….college. And his brother, Sam.
MRS. ROBINSON: Well, uh, I won’t interrupt you. (She starts to leave.)
DEAN: Mrs. Robinson. (She stops.) We’re sorry for your loss. And we’d like to talk to you for a minute, if you don’t mind. (Her expression turns cold.)
MRS. ROBINSON: I’m really not up to that just now. (She walks away. CASSIE, SAM, and DEAN look around, disappointed.)
(CUT TO: Road. Night. Another car has crashed. The camera pans to the inside, where JIMMY is dead. The truck is a few feet away. It starts to back away, then disappears into dust.)
(CUT TO: Road. Day. The police and ambulances are surrounding the area, while the mayor and CASSIE are walking together.)
HAROLD: Jimmy meant something to this town. He was one of our best. It won’t be the same without him.
CASSIE: Our best seem to be dropping like flies. Clayton, my father, Jimmy.
HAROLD: What is it exactly you want me to do?
CASSIE: Well, how about closing this section of road, for starters.
HAROLD: Close the main road, the only road in and out of town? (He shakes his head.) Accidents do happen, Cassie. That’s what they are—accidents. (DEAN and SAM walk up behind CASSIE.)
DEAN: Did the cops check for additional denting on Jimmy’s car? See if it was pushed?
HAROLD: Who’s this?
CASSIE: Dean and Sam Winchester. Family friends. (to SAM and DEAN) This is Mayor Harold Todd.
HAROLD: So, one set of tire tracks—one—doesn’t point to foul play. (DEAN looks at the tracks leading from the car.)
CASSIE: Mayor, the police and town officials take their cues from you. If you’re indifferent about—
HAROLD: Indifferent?
CASSIE: (cruelly) Would you close the road if the victims were white?
HAROLD: (offended) You’re suggesting I’m racist, Cassie? I’m the last person you should talk to like that.
CASSIE: And why is that?
HAROLD: Why don’t you ask your mother? (He walks away. CASSIE looks hurt.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Motel room. DEAN and SAM are putting on suits.)
SAM: I’ll say this for her—she’s fearless.
DEAN: Mmhmm.
SAM: I bet she kicked your ass a couple times. (DEAN glares at him. SAM smiles.) What’s interesting is you guys never really look at each other at the same time. You look at her when she’s not looking, she checks you out when you look away. (DEAN looks at him strangely.) It’s just an interesting observation. In a, you know, observationally interesting way.
DEAN: (sternly) I think we might have some more pressing issues here.
SAM: Hey, if I’m hittin’ a nerve—
DEAN: Oh, let’s go. (He walks away. SAM smiles to himself.)
(CUT TO: Dock by the lake. Two men, one African-American and one Caucasian, are playing checkers at a table. SAM and DEAN walk up to them.)
DEAN: Excuse me, are you Ron Stubbins? (The Caucasian man nods.) You were friends of Jimmy Anderson?
RON: Who are you?
DEAN: We’re with Mr. Anderson’s insurance company. We’re just here to dot some i’s and cross some t’s.
SAM: We were just wondering, had the deceased mentioned any unusual recent experiences?
RON: What do you mean, unusual?
SAM: Well, visions, hallucinations.
DEAN: It’s all part of a medical examination kind of thing, all very standard.
RON: What company did you say you were with?
DEAN: All National Mutual. (He partially takes an envelope out of the inside of his jacket, then puts it away. The African-American man looks curious.) Tell me, did he ever mention seeing a truck? A big, black truck? (The African-American suddenly looks very interested.)
RON: What the hell are you talking about? You even speaking English?
MAN: Son, this truck—a big, scary, monster-lookin’ thing?
DEAN: Yeah, actually, I think so.
MAN: (nodding) Hm.
DEAN: What?
MAN: I have heard of a truck like that.
SAM: You have? Where?
MAN: Not where—when. Back in the sixties, there was a string of deaths. Black men. Story goes, they disappeared in a big, nasty, black truck.
DEAN: They ever catch the guy who did it?
MAN: Never found him. Hell, I’m not sure they even really looked. See, there was a time this town wasn’t too friendly to all its citizens. (He glares at RON.)
SAM: Thank you. (They walk away.)
(CUT TO: SAM and DEAN are walking back to the car.)
DEAN: Truck.
SAM: Keeps comin’ up, doesn’t it?
DEAN: You know what I was thinking? You heard of the Flying Dutchman?
SAM: Yeah, a ghost ship infused with the captain’s evil spirit. Basically a part of him.
DEAN: Yeah, so what if we’re dealing with the same thing? You know, a phantom truck that’s the extension of some bastard ghost, reenacting past crimes.
SAM: The victims have all been black men.
DEAN: It’s more than that. They all seem connected to Cassie and her family.
SAM: Alright, well, you work with that angle. Go talk to her.
DEAN: Yeah, I will.
SAM: Oh, and you might also want to mention that other thing. (They stop at the car.)
DEAN: What other thing?
SAM: The serious unfinished business. Dean, what is going on between you two?
DEAN: Alright, so maybe we were a little bit more involved than I said.
SAM: Oh, ok. Yeah.
DEAN: Okay, a lot more. Maybe. (SAM laughs.) And I told her the secret about what we do, and I shouldn’t have.
SAM: No, look, man, everybody’s gotta open up to someone, sometime.
DEAN: Yeah, I don’t. It was stupid to get that close, and look how it ended. (SAM smiles and stares at him.) Would you stop? (SAM continues to stare.) Blink or something.
SAM: (stunned) You loved her.
DEAN: Oh, God. (He starts to open the door.)
SAM: You were in love with her, but you dumped her. (DEAD looks at him and shakes his head.) Oh, wow. She dumped you.
DEAN: Get in the car. (SAM doesn’t move.) Get in the car! (SAM still looks shocked.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Cassie’s house. CASSIE is at her desk, working at the computer. There is a knock at the door. She gets up to answer it. It is DEAN.)
CASSIE: Dean, hey.
DEAN: Hey.
CASSIE: Come on in. (He comes in and she shuts the door.)
DEAN: So, are you busy?
CASSIE: Uh, the paper’s doing a tribute to Jimmy. I was just going through his stuff, his awards. Trying to find the words.
DEAN: That’s gotta be tough.
CASSIE: For years, this family owned the paper, the Dorians. They had a whites only staff policy. After they sold it, Jimmy became the first black reporter. He didn’t stop till he became editor. He taught me everything. Where’s your brother?
DEAN: (awkwardly) Not here.
CASSIE: Alright, so, uh, what brings you here?
DEAN: Trying to find the connection between the three victims. By the way, did you talk to your mom about what Todd said about not being a racist?
CASSIE: I did. She didn’t wanna talk about it.
DEAN: Right. (They share an awkward silence.) So, just then, um, why’d you ask where my brother was?
CASSIE: Nothing. Not important.
DEAN: Could it be because without him here, it’s just you and me? And not you, me, and Sam, which would be easier?
CASSIE: It’s not easier. (DEAN looks upset.) Look, I—
DEAN: No, forget it. It’s fine. We’ll keep it strictly business. (CASSIE laughs.)
CASSIE: I forgot you do that.
DEAN: Do what?
CASSIE: Oh, whenever we get—what’s the word, close? Anywhere in the neighborhood of emotional vulnerability, you back off. Or make some joke, or find any way to shut the door on me. (DEAN laughs.)
DEAN: Oh, that’s hilarious. See, I’m not the one who took that big final door and slammed it behind me.
CASSIE: Wait a minute—
DEAN: And I’m not the one who took the key and buried it.
CASSIE: Are we done with this metaphor?
DEAN: All I’m saying is I was totally upfront with you back then, and you nailed me with it.
CASSIE: The guy I’m with, the guy I’m hoping might be in my future tells me he professionally pops ghosts.
DEAN: That’s not the words I used.
CASSIE: And that he has to leave to go work with his father.
DEAN: I did.
CASSIE: All I could think was, if you want out, fine, but don’t tell me this insane story.
DEAN: It was the truth, Cassie! And I noticed it didn’t sound so insane the minute you thought I could help you!
CASSIE: Back then, I thought you just wanted to dump me.
DEAN: (surprised) Whoa, let’s not forget who dumped who, okay?
CASSIE: I thought it was what you wanted.
DEAN: Well, it wasn’t.
CASSIE: I didn’t mean to hurt you!
DEAN: Well, you did.
CASSIE: I’m sorry!
DEAN: Yeah, me too. (They stare at each other for a few seconds before breaking into a passionate kiss. They pull away, slightly dazed, then kiss again. CASSIE slides DEAN’s jacket off his body and they wrap their arms around each other.)
(CUT TO: Bedroom. DEAN and CASSIE fall onto the bed and continue to make love to each other.)
(FADE TO: Road. Day. MAYOR HAROLD TODD is looking at a map. When he gets back to his car, the truck appears behind him. It rumbles and shakes, then starts to move forward. HAROLD tries to outrun it, but the truck runs him over. HAROLD rolls into a ditch. His face is bloody and distorted. The truck drives away and fades into nothing. The screen goes black.)
(FADE IN: Bedroom. CASSIE and DEAN are laying in bed together.)
CASSIE: We should fight more often.
DEAN: Absolutely. (CASSIE laughs.)
CASSIE: Actually, we were always pretty good at fighting.
CASSIE: (about the sex) This we were good at. (DEAN smiles.) It’s all the other stuff….not so much.
DEAN: Hey, I tried. I mean, I told you who I really was. That’s a big first for me.
CASSIE: Why’d you tell me?
DEAN: I don’t know. (She looks at him.) I guess I couldn’t lie to you.
CASSIE: Dean, you told me that story—and it scared the hell outta me. I thought you were nuts. Dangerous, even. (She sits up.) Actually, maybe I was looking for a reason to walk away.
DEAN: In my work, um….I see some horrible things. Things that can’t be explained. And I deal with them. But working things out with you? (She laughs.)
CASSIE: I’m a scary one alright. (He chuckles.) Well, usually, things get worked out. When you really want them to. (DEAN realizes what she’s trying to say.)
DEAN: Yeah, but I’m still really involved in my dad’s work.
CASSIE: No more excuses, okay? From you or me.
DEAN: Okay. (They share a long kiss. DEAN’s phone rings and they reluctantly break away. DEAN answers his phone.) Yeah? (…) You’re kidding.
(CUT TO: Road. DEAN walks up to SAM, who is finishing talking to a police officer.)
SAM: (gesturing to DEAN) And he’s with me. (The officer nods and walks away.) Where were you last night? (DEAN says nothing. SAM smiles.) You didn’t make it back to the motel.
DEAN: Nope.
SAM: I’m guessing you guys worked things out?
DEAN: We’ll be workin’ things out when we’re ninety. (SAM laughs.) So, what happened?
SAM: Every bone crushed. Internal organs turned to pudding. The cops are all stumped, but it’s almost like something ran him over.
DEAN: Something like a truck?
SAM: Yep.
DEAN: Tracks?
SAM: Nope. (DEAN sighs.)
DEAN: What was the mayor doing here anyway?
SAM: He owned the property. Bought it a few weeks ago.
DEAN: Yeah, but he’s white. He doesn’t fit the pattern.
SAM: Killings didn’t happen up on the road. That doesn’t fit either.
(CUT TO: Newsroom. CASSIE pours two cups of coffee, and sits down next to DEAN, who is on the computer. She hands him a mug.)
DEAN: Thanks. So, I’m trying to find some link between those killings back in the sixties and what’s going on now, but there wasn’t a lot about it in the paper.
CASSIE: Not surprising. Probably minimum police work, too. Back then, equal justice under the law wasn’t too literal around here. (DEAN’s phone rings. He answers it.)
DEAN: Yeah? (The scene alternates between the newsroom and the dock, where SAM is walking.)
SAM: (reading from a small book) Okay, the courthouse records show that Mr. and Mrs. Mayor bought an abandoned property. The previous owner was the Dorian family, for, like, 150 years.
DEAN: Dorian?
SAM: Yeah.
DEAN: (to CASSIE) Didn’t you say the Dorian family used to own this paper?
CASSIE: (nodding) Along with most everything else around here. Real pillars of the town.
DEAN: Right, right. (He brings up an article on the computer with the headline “Dorian Still Missing. Cyrus Dorian Missing For More Than A Week.”) That’s interesting.
SAM: What?
DEAN: This Cyrus Dorian—he vanished in April of ’63. The case was investigated but never solved. That’s right around the time the string of murders was going on back then.
SAM: Well, I pulled a bunch of paper up on the Dorian place, it must have been in bad shape when the mayor bought it.
DEAN: Why is that?
SAM: The first thing he did was bulldoze the place.
DEAN: (to CASSIE) Mayor Todd knocked down the Dorian place? (She nods.)
CASSIE: It was a big deal. One of the oldest local houses left. It made the front page.
DEAN: (to SAM) You got a date?
SAM: (reading his book) The third of last month. (DEAN types something on the keyboard and brings up another article. The headline reads “Mayor Buys, Bulldozes Historic Home. Heritage Committee Questions Civic Leadership.”)
DEAN: Mayor Todd bulldozes Dorian family home on the third. The first killing was the very next day. (He exchanges a look with CASSIE.)
(FADE TO: INT. – CASSIE’s house. She walks into the living room when the lights start to flicker. The camera cuts to outside, where the truck is roaring. Its headlights turn on. Inside the house, CASSIE walks to a set of windows and shuts the blinds. Outside, the truck starts to move towards the house. It stops just in front of the windows and puts itself in reverse. It then starts to drive towards the front door. Inside the house, another set of windows starts to open and shut. The papers on CASSIE’s desk scatter everywhere. Terrified, she moves to the hallway, where she can see the truck through the glass of the front door. She dials a number on her cell phone.)
CASSIE: Dean! Dean! (The screen goes black.)
(FADE IN: CASSIE’s living room. MRS. ROBINSON, CASSIE, and DEAN are sitting down. SAM hands CASSIE a cup of tea and sits down.)
CASSIE: Maybe you could throw a couple shots in there.
DEAN: You didn’t see who was driving the truck? (She shakes her head.)
CASSIE: Seemed to be no one. Everything was moving so fast. And then it was just gone. Why didn’t it kill us?
DEAN: Whoever’s controlling the truck wants you afraid first.
SAM: Mrs. Robinson, Cassie said that your husband saw the truck before he died. (She says nothing.)
MRS. ROBINSON: Mm? (CASSIE looks at her curiously.) Oh, Martin was under a lot of stress. You can’t be sure what he was seeing.
DEAN: Well, after tonight, I think we can be reasonably sure that he was seeing a truck. What happened tonight—you and Cassie are marked. Okay? And your daughter could die. So, if you know something, now would be a really good time to tell us about it.
MRS. ROBINSON: Yes. Yes, he said he saw a truck.
SAM: Did he know who it belonged to?
MRS. ROBINSON: He thought he did.
DEAN: Who was that?
MRS. ROBINSON: (choking back tears) Cyrus. A man named Cyrus. (DEAN takes the article from the computer out of his coat pocket and shows it to her.)
DEAN: Is this Cyrus?
MRS. ROBINSON: Cyrus Dorian died more than 40 years ago. (DEAN’s expression turns surprised.)
DEAN: How do you know he died, Mrs. Robinson? (She looks guilty.) The paper said he went missing. How do you know he died?
MRS. ROBINSON: We were all very young. I dated Cyrus a while, but I was also seeing Martin. In secret, of course. Interracial couples didn’t go over too well then. When I broke it off with Cyrus, and when he found out about Martin….I don’t know, he—he changed. His hatred—his hatred was frightening.
SAM: (to DEAN) The string of murders.
MRS. ROBINSON: There were rumors. People of color disappearing in some kind of a truck. But nothing was ever done. (She starts to cry.) Martin and I, we were, uh, going to be married in that little church near here. But last minute, we decided to elope, cause we didn’t want the attention.
DEAN: And Cyrus?
MRS. ROBINSON: (crying harder) The day we set for the wedding was….the day someone set fire to the church. (There is a flashback of a burning stick falling to the ground by the church. The entire building goes up in flames. End flashback. MRS. ROBINSON begins to sob.) There was a children’s choir practicing in there. They all died.
SAM: (softly) Did the attacks stop after that?
MRS. ROBINSON: (sobbing) No. There was one more. One night, that truck came for Martin. Cyrus beat him something terrible. (Another flashback shows Cyrus on the side of the road, beating Martin mercilessly with a baseball bat. End flashback.) But Martin, you see, Martin got loose. (The flashback continues. Martin grabs the bat from Cyrus in mid-swing and starts beating him.) And he started hitting Cyrus, and he just kept hitting him and hitting him. (Martin beats Cyrus until Cyrus falls to the ground, motionless. End flashback. MRS. ROBINSON is unable to go on.)
DEAN: Why didn’t he call the cops? (MRS. ROBINSON looks at him strangely.)
MRS. ROBINSON: (hysterically) This was forty years ago! He called on his friends, Clayton Solmes and Jimmy Anderson, and they put Cyrus’ body into the truck and rolled it into the swamp at the edge of this land, and all three of them kept that secret all this years! (The flashback continues. The three black men place Cyrus’ body into the driver’s seat of the truck and roll it down the road into the swamp. End flashback.)
SAM: And now all three are gone.
DEAN: So is Mayor Todd. Now, he said that you, of all people, would know that he is not a racist. Why would he say that?
MRS. ROBINSON: He was a good man. He was a young deputy back then, investigating Cyrus’ disappearance. Once he figured out what Martin and the others had done, he….he did nothing. Because he also knew what Cyrus had done.
CASSIE: (crying) Why didn’t you tell me?
MRS. ROBINSON: I thought I was protecting them. (She starts crying again.) And now there’s no one left to protect.
DEAN: Yes, there is. (He looks at CASSIE. MRS. ROBINSON takes her daughter’s hand.)
(CUT TO: EXT. – House. SAM and DEAN are standing by the car.)
SAM: My life was so simple. Just school. Exams. Papers on polycentric cultural norms. (They chuckle.)
DEAN: So, I guess I saved you from a boring existence.
SAM: Yeah, occasionally, I miss boring. (DEAN pauses.)
DEAN: Alright, so, this killer truck—
SAM: (laughing) I miss conversations that didn’t start with “this killer truck”. (DEAN nods and laughs.)
DEAN: Alright, well, this Cyrus guy….
SAM: Yeah.
DEAN: Evil on a level that infected even his truck. And when he died, the swamp became his tomb. And the spirit was dormant for forty years.
SAM: So, what woke it up?
DEAN: The construction on his house. Or, the destruction.
SAM: Right. Demolition or remodeling can awaken spirits, make ‘em restless. Like that theater in Illinois.
DEAN: Yeah. And the guy who tears down the family homestead, Harold Todd, is the same guy that kept Cyrus’ murder quiet and unsolved.
SAM: So, now his spirit is awakened, and out for blood.
DEAN: Yeah, I guess. Who knows what ghosts are thinking anyway?
SAM: You know we’re gonna have to dredge that body up from the swamp, right? (DEAN smiles falsely and nods.) Oh, man.
DEAN: You said it.
SAM: Yeah. (CASSIE comes outside.)
DEAN: Hey.
CASSIE: Hey. She’s asleep. Now what?
DEAN: Well, you stay put, and look after her. And we’ll be back. Don’t leave the house.
CASSIE: Don’t go getting all authoritative on me. I hate it.
DEAN: Don’t leave the house, please? (They smile and begin to kiss. SAM sees them and clears his throat. DEAN holds up his index finger, and they eventually pull away from each other.) You comin’ or what? (SAM and DEAN get in the car.)
(CUT TO: Swamp. DEAN is using a dredge to pull the truck from under the water.)
SAM: Alright, let’s get her up. (DEAN pulls the truck almost completely out of the swamp.) Alright, little more, little more. Little more. (DEAN pulls the entire thing onto the land.) Alright, stop. (DEAN stops the machine and gets out.) Nice.
DEAN: Hell, yeah.
SAM: Now I know what she sees in you.
DEAN: What? (SAM laughs.)
SAM: Come on, man, you can admit it, you’re still in love with her.
DEAN: Oh, can we focus, please? (He opens the trunk of his car.)
SAM: I’m just sayin’, Dean. Alright, what am I getting?
DEAN: Gas, flashlight.
SAM: Got it, got it.
DEAN: Alright, let’s get this done.
SAM: Alright. (They close the trunk and walk over to the truck. DEAN cautiously opens the driver’s side door. They find the decomposing skeleton of Cyrus Dorian inside. SAM and DEAN look disgusted.)
DEAN: Alright, let’s get to it.
(CUT TO: Table. DEAN and SAM lay the skeleton on the table and pour gas and salt all over it. The body bursts into flames.)
SAM: Think that’ll do it? (Suddenly, the ghost truck roars into life.)
DEAN: I guess not. (The screen goes black.)
(FADE IN: Swamp. SAM and DEAN are watching the truck while the body burns.)
SAM: So, burning the body had no effect on that thing?
DEAN: Oh, sure it did. Now it’s really pissed.
SAM: But Cyrus’ ghost is gone, right, Dean?
DEAN: Apparently not the part that’s fused with the truck. (He walks over to his car.)
SAM: Where are you going?
DEAN: I’m going for a little ride.
SAM: What?
DEAN: I’m gonna lead that thing away. (He points to the truck they just uncovered.) That rusted piece of crap, you’ve gotta burn it.
SAM: How the hell am I supposed to burn a truck, Dean?
DEAN: I don’t know. Figure something out. (He tosses SAM a bag full of objects and gets in the car.)
SAM: Figure something—? (He watches the truck follow DEAN away from the swamp.)
(CUT TO: Road. DEAN is being chased by the truck, which is rapidly gaining speed.)
(CUT TO: Swamp. SAM is frantically searching through John’s journal.)
(CUT TO: Road. DEAN is still being chased.)
(CUT TO: Swamp. SAM is looking at a map. His cell phone rings and he answers it. The scene alternates between the swamp and the road.)
SAM: Hey, you gotta give me a minute.
DEAN: I don’t have a minute! What are we doing?
SAM: Uh….let me get back to you. (He hangs up.)
(CUT TO: Road. DEAN hangs up and watches the truck in his rearview mirror.)
(CUT TO: Swamp. SAM is on the phone.)
SAM: Hey, Cassie? Hey, it’s Sam. Okay, I need some information, and it has to be exactly right.
(CUT TO: Road. DEAN presses a button on his phone. The scene alternates between the road and the swamp.)
SAM: Alright, Dean?
DEAN: This better be good!
SAM: Where are you?
DEAN: I’m in the middle of nowhere, with a killer truck on my ass! I mean, it’s like it knows I put the torch to Cyrus!
SAM: Dean, Dean, listen to me, it’s important, I have to know exactly where you are. (DEAN passes a street sign reading Decatur Road.)
DEAN: Decatur Road, about two miles off the highway.
SAM: Okay, headed east?
DEAN: Yes! (The truck crashes into the back of DEAN’s car, causing DEAN to drop his cell phone.) Oh, you son of a bitch! (He picks up his phone.)
SAM: Okay, uh, turn right. Up ahead, turn right. (DEAN turns sharply to the right. The truck follows him.) You make the turn?
DEAN: Yeah, I made the turn! You’re gonna need to move this thing along a little faster!
SAM: Alright, you see a road up ahead?
DEAN: No! (He looks again.) What—wait, yes, I see it!
SAM: Okay, turn left.
DEAN: What? (The truck is now beside him. DEAN waits for the truck to pass him completely, then he makes the turn.) Alright, now what?
SAM: You need to go exactly seven-tenths of a mile and stop.
DEAN: Stop?
SAM: Exactly seven-tenths, Dean. (DEAN watches his odometer carefully. After driving exactly seven-tenths of a mile, he screeches to a halt. In the distance, he can see the truck facing him, motionless.) Dean, you still there?
DEAN: Yeah.
SAM: What’s happening?
DEAN: It’s just staring at me, what do I do?
SAM: Just what you are doing. Bringing it to you. (DEAN watches as the truck begins speeding towards his car. He puts his phone down, waiting.)
DEAN: Come on, come on. (The truck finally reaches DEAN’s car and drives right through it, then disappears completely. DEAN waits, confused.)
SAM: Dean? You still there? Dean? (DEAN picks up his phone.)
DEAN: Where’d it go?
SAM: Dean, you’re where the church was.
DEAN: What church?
SAM: The place Cyrus burned down. Murdered all those kids.
DEAN: (looking at the remains of the building) Not a whole lot left.
SAM: Church ground is hallowed ground, whether the church is still there or not. Evil spirits cross over hallowed ground, sometimes they’re destroyed. So, I figured maybe that would get rid of it.
DEAN: Maybe? Maybe?! What if you were wrong?
SAM: Huh. Honestly, that thought hadn’t occurred to me. (DEAN, clearly furious, hangs up.)
DEAN: “Well, that honestly didn’t occur to me”. (He slams his hand on the steering wheel.) I’m gonna kill him. (The screen goes black.)
(FADE IN: Dock. SAM is waiting in the car. DEAN stops at the car with CASSIE.)
CASSIE: My mother says to tell you thanks again. (He nods.) This is a better goodbye than last time.
DEAN: Yeah, well, maybe this time it’ll be a little less permanent.
CASSIE: You know what? I’m a realist. I don’t see much hope for us, Dean.
DEAN: (slightly disappointed) Well, I’ve seen stranger things happen. A hell of a lot stranger.
CASSIE: (sadly) Goodbye, Dean.
DEAN: I’ll see ya, Cassie. I will. (They kiss. SAM watches from inside the car. CASSIE and DEAN break away and embrace for a minute. DEAN eventually lets go and gets in the car. SAM waves to her and CASSIE watches the two of them drive away.)
(FADE TO: INT. – Car. SAM is driving.)
SAM: I like her. (DEAN nods.)
DEAN: Yeah.
SAM: You meet someone like her, ever make you wonder if it’s worth it? Putting everything else on hold, doing what we do? (DEAN says nothing, but smiles at SAM. He takes a pair of sunglasses out of the glove compartment and puts them on.)
DEAN: Wake me up when it’s my turn to drive. (He smiles and slouches down in his seat. SAM smiles and continues to drive. The screen fades to black.)