2006.10.25. 16:59
TRANSCRIPT: ==========================
(FADE IN: Abandoned house. SAM and DEAN park their car and get out. They open the trunk and DEAN takes out two tasers.) SAM: What do you got those amped up to? DEAN: A hundred thousand volts. SAM: Damn. DEAN: Yeah, I want this rawhead extra frickin’ crispy. And remember, you only get one shot with these things. So make it count. (CUT TO: DEAN and SAM enter the house with guns and flashlights. They go downstairs into the basement and hear a noise. They turn and see an old closed cupboard. They move towards it.) DEAN: On three. One. Two. Three. (They open the cupboard and see two scared young children, one boy and one girl, covering their ears.) SAM: Is it still here? (The children nod.) DEAN: (to the boy) Ok. Grab your sister’s hand, come on, we gotta get you out of here. Let’s go, let’s go. (SAM takes both the children and they move towards the stairs.) Alright, go! (They start to go upstairs, but a hand grabs SAM’s legs and knocks him back down.) Sam! (DEAN moves to the other side of the staircase and shoots the taser but doesn’t hit the monster.) Sam, get ‘em outta here! SAM: You take this! (He throws DEAN his taser and goes upstairs with the children. DEAN looks around the basement for the monster.) DEAN: Come on. (He points his flashlight in a corner of the room and sees a creature resembling a werewolf. The creature pushes him into a corner and DEAN falls in a puddle of water. He sees the creature coming towards him. DEAN grabs the taser and shoots it, electrocuting the monster, which was also standing in the puddle. The shock travels through the puddle and electrocutes DEAN. The creature falls to the ground, while DEAN shakes and twitches. He then goes unconscious. SAM runs down the stairs and sees DEAN in the corner.) SAM: Dean! (He runs over to DEAN and shakes him.) Dean, hey. Hey. (He tries to wake DEAN, but he remains unconscious.) (CUT TO: Hospital. SAM is at the desk, talking with a receptionist.) RECEPTIONIST: Sir, I’m so sorry to ask. There doesn’t seem to be any insurance on file. SAM: Right. Uh, ok. (He takes a card out of his wallet.) RECEPTIONIST: (reading the name on the card) Okay, Mr. Burkovitz. (SAM walks over to two police officers.) POLICE OFFICER: Look, we can finish this up later. SAM: No, no, it’s okay. We were just taking a shortcut through the neighborhood. And, um, the windows were rolled down, we heard some screaming. We drove past the house, and we stopped. Ran in. POLICE OFFICER: And you found the kids in the basement? SAM: Yeah. POLICE OFFICER: Well, thank God you did. (SAM turns around and sees a doctor walking towards them.) SAM: Excuse me. POLICE OFFICER: Sure. Thanks for your help. (SAM walks over to the doctor.) SAM: Hey, Doc. Is he— DOCTOR: He’s resting. SAM: And? DOCTOR: The electrocution triggered a heart attack. Pretty massive, I’m afraid. His heart—it’s damaged. SAM: How damaged? DOCTOR: We’ve done all we can. We can try and keep him comfortable at this point. But, I’d give him a couple weeks, at most, maybe a month. SAM: No, no. There’s—there’s gotta be something you can do, some kind of treatment. DOCTOR: We can’t work miracles. I really am sorry. (SAM nods, with tears in his eyes, and walks away.) (CUT TO: DEAN’s room. He is watching TV in his bed, looking very sick. He is pale and has dark circles under his eyes. SAM comes in and stands by his bed.) DEAN: (weakly) Have you ever actually watched daytime TV? It’s terrible. (SAM sighs.) SAM: I talked to your doctor. DEAN: That fabric softener teddy bear. Oh, I’m gonna hunt that little bitch down. SAM: Dean. (DEAN looks up.) DEAN: Yeah. (He turns the TV off.) Alright, well, looks like you’re gonna leave town without me. SAM: What are you talking about? I’m not gonna leave you here. DEAN: Hey, you better take care of that car. Or, I swear, I’ll haunt your ass. SAM: (nearly crying) I don’t think that’s funny. DEAN: Oh, come on, it’s a little funny. (They are both silent for a few seconds.) Look, Sammy, what can I say, man, it’s a dangerous gig. I drew the short straw. That’s it, end of story. SAM: Don’t talk like that, alright? We still have options. DEAN: What options? Yeah, burial or cremation. And I know it’s not easy. But I’m gonna die. And you can’t stop it. SAM: Watch me. (CUT TO: Motel Room. SAM is sitting on the bed, surrounded by research about heart care. He is trying to call his father.) VOICEMAIL: This is John Winchester. I can’t be reached. If this is an emergency, call my son, Dean. 866-907-3235. He can help. (The beep sounds.) SAM: (trying to hold back tears) Hey, Dad. It’s Sam. Uh….you probably won’t even get this, but, uh….It’s Dean. He’s sick, and uh….the doctors say there’s nothing they can do. Um….but, uh, they don’t know the things we know, right? So, don’t worry, cause, uh….I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get him better. Alright….just wanted you to know. (He hangs up and tosses his phone on the bed. He starts to tear up when there is a knock on the door. He gets up and opens it. DEAN is standing there, looking even worse.) What the hell are you doing here? DEAN: I checked myself out. SAM: What, are you crazy? DEAN: Well, I’m not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren’t even hot. (He shrugs. SAM laughs and shuts the door.) SAM: You know, this whole I-laugh-in-the-face-of-death thing? It’s crap. I can see right through it. DEAN: Yeah, whatever, dude. Have you even slept? You look worse than me. (SAM helps him over to a chair.) SAM: I’ve been scouring the Internet for the last three days. Calling every contact in Dad’s journal. DEAN: For what? SAM: For a way to help you. One of Dad’s friends, Joshua, he called me back. Told me about a guy in Nebraska. A specialist. DEAN: You’re not gonna let me die in peace, are you? SAM: I’m not gonna let you die, period. We’re going. (CUT TO: Nebraska. DEAN and SAM pull up outside of a large white tent. A group of people, who look very sick, are making their towards the tent. DEAN gets out and sees a sign saying “The Church of Roy LeGrange. Faith Healer. Witness The Miracle.” SAM goes to DEAN and tries to help him out of the car.) SAM: I got ya. (DEAN grunts in pain.) DEAN: I got it. (SAM lets go of DEAN.) Man, you are a lying bastard. Thought you said we were going to see a doctor. SAM: I believe I said a specialist. Look, Dean, this guy’s supposed to be the real deal. DEAN: I can’t believe you brought me here to see some guy who heals people out of a tent. (An elderly woman passes by and overhears them.) WOMAN: Reverend LeGrange is a great man. DEAN: Yeah, that’s nice. (They walk past an angry man who is talking to a sheriff.) MAN: I have a right to protest. This man is a fraud. And he’s bilking all these people out of their hard-earned money. SHERIFF: Sir, this is a place of worship. Let’s go. Move it. (They walk away.) DEAN: I take it he’s not part of the flock. SAM: But when people see something they can’t explain, there’s controversy. DEAN: I mean, come on, Sam, a faith healer? SAM: Maybe it’s time to have a little faith, Dean. DEAN: You know what I’ve got faith in? Reality. Knowing what’s really going on. SAM: How can you be a skeptic? With the things we see everyday? DEAN: Exactly. We see them, we know they’re real. SAM: But if you know evil’s out there, how can you not believe good’s out there, too? DEAN: Because I’ve seen what evil does to good people. (A young blonde woman, LAYLA ROURKE, overhears them.) LAYLA: Maybe God works in mysterious ways. DEAN: (attracted to her) Maybe he does. (LAYLA smiles.) I think you just turned me around on the subject. (She laughs.) LAYLA: Yeah, I’m sure. (DEAN extends his hand.) DEAN: I’m Dean. This is Sam. (She shakes his hand.) LAYLA: Layla. So, if you’re not a believer, then why are you here? DEAN: Well, apparently my brother here believes enough for the both of us. (LAYLA’s mother walks over to them.) MRS. ROURKE: Come on, Layla. It’s about to start. (They say goodbye and leave.) DEAN: Well, I bet you she can work in some mysterious ways. (SAM smiles and they go into the tent.)
(CUT TO: INT. – Tent. A large group of people are sitting down, waiting for the service to begin. DEAN gestures to a security camera on the wall.) DEAN: Yeah, peace, love, and trust all over. (SAM notices the camera. DEAN goes to sit down in the back.) SAM: Come on. DEAN: What are you doing? Let’s sit here. SAM: We’re sitting up front. DEAN: What? Why? SAM: Come on. DEAN: (upset) Oh, come on, Sam. (SAM helps DEAN to the front of the room.) SAM: You alright? DEAN: This is ridiculous. I’m good, dude, get off me. (He pushes SAM away. SAM points to two empty seats behind LAYLA and her mother.) SAM: Perfect. DEAN: Yeah, perfect. SAM: You take the aisle. (They sit down. ROY LEGRANGE gets on the stage to start the service. ROY is blind and is wearing sunglasses.) ROY: Each morning, my wife, Sue Ann, reads me the news. Never seems good, does it? (The crowd agrees with him.) Seems like there’s always someone committing some immoral, unspeakable act. (SAM notices a table filled with crosses and other religious items. He sees an old cross that has another smaller cross on top with a circle around it.) But, I say to you, God is watching. God rewards the good, and He punishes the corrupt. (The crowd answers with lots of nodding, cheering, and murmuring.) Who does the healing here, friends? The Lord who guides me in choosing who to heal by helping me see into people’s hearts. (The crowd murmurs.) DEAN: (quietly, to SAM) Yeah, or into their wallets. ROY: You think so, young man? (The church goes silent. DEAN is embarrassed.) DEAN: Sorry. ROY: No, no. Don’t be. Just watch what you say around a blind man, we’ve got real sharp ears. (The crowd laughs.) What’s your name, son? (DEAN hesitates.) DEAN: Dean. ROY: Dean. I want—I want you to come up here with me. (SUE ANN gets up on the stage to welcome DEAN. The crowd claps and cheers. LAYLA and her mother look upset.) DEAN: No, that’s ok. SAM: What are you doing? ROY: You’ve come here to be healed, haven’t you? DEAN: Well, yeah, but—(The crowd cheers some more.) No, maybe you should just pick someone else. (The crowd claps loudly.) ROY: Oh, no, I didn’t pick you, Dean, the Lord did. CROWD: That’s right! Yeah! Come on! (They clap and cheer.) SAM: (excitedly) Get up there! (DEAN reluctantly goes on the stage, looking very uncomfortable.) ROY: You ready? DEAN: Look, no disrespect, but I’m not exactly a believer. ROY: You will be, son. You will be. Pray with me, friends. (The crowd lifts their arms up and joins hands with each other. ROY lifts up his hands and places one on DEAN’s shoulder. DEAN and SAM both look nervous. ROY moves his hand to DEAN’s forehead. DEAN’s eyes glaze over.) Alright, now. Alright, now. (DEAN starts to look very weak and dizzy. His eyes close and he falls to his knees.) Alright, now. (DEAN collapses on the floor. The crowd cheers and claps.) SAM: Dean! (He rushes onto the stage and shakes DEAN. DEAN suddenly bursts awake, gasping for breath.) Say something. (DEAN looks around, tired. The camera gives the audience a look through DEAN’s vision. DEAN is able to see an old, seemingly dead man standing on the stage next to ROY. He is dressed in a black suit and has white hair. He looks at DEAN then vanishes. DEAN looks shocked. The screen goes black.) (FADE IN: Hospital. SAM and DEAN are waiting in a room.) SAM: So, you really feel okay? DEAN: I feel fine, Sam. (A nurse comes in the room, looking over some paperwork.) NURSE: Well, according to all your tests, there’s nothing wrong with your heart. No sign there ever was. (DEAN looks curious while SAM looks very happy.) Not that a man your age should be having heart trouble, but, still it’s strange it does happen. DEAN: What do you mean, strange? NURSE: Well, just yesterday, a young guy like you, twenty-seven, athletic. Out of nowhere, heart attack. (DEAN looks concerned.) DEAN: Thanks, Doc. NURSE: Oh, no problem. (She leaves.) DEAN: That’s odd. SAM: Maybe it’s a coincidence. People’s hearts give out all the time, man. DEAN: No, they don’t. SAM: Look, Dean, do we really have to look this one in the mouth? Why can’t we just be thankful that the guy saved your life and move on? DEAN: Because I can’t shake this feeling, that’s why. SAM: What feeling? DEAN: When I was healed, I just—I felt wrong. I felt cold. And for a second, I saw someone. This, uh, this old man. And I’m telling you, Sam, it was a spirit. SAM: But if there was something there, Dean, I think I would’ve seen it, too. I mean, I’ve been seeing an awful lot of things lately. DEAN: Well, excuse me, psychic wonder. But you’re just gonna need a little faith on this one. Sam, I’ve been hunting long enough to trust a feeling like this. SAM: (reluctantly) Yeah, alright. So, what do you wanna do? DEAN: I want you to go check out the heart attack guy. I’m gonna visit the reverend. (CUT TO: INT. – ROY LEGRANGE’s house.) DEAN: I feel great. Just trying to, you know, make sense of what happened. SUE ANN: A miracle is what happened. Well, miracles come so often around Roy. DEAN: (to ROY) When did they start? The miracles. ROY: Woke up one morning, stone blind. Doctors figured out I had cancer. Told me I had maybe a month. So, uh, we prayed for a miracle. Now, I was weak, but I told Sue Ann, “You just keep right on praying.” I went into a coma. Doctors said I wouldn’t wake up, but I did. And the cancer was gone. (He takes off his sunglasses.) If it wasn’t for these eyes, no one would believe I’d ever had it. DEAN: And suddenly you could heal people. ROY: I discovered it afterward, yes. God’s blessed me in many ways. SUE ANN: And his flock just swelled overnight. And this is just the beginning. DEAN: Can I ask you one last question? ROY: Of course you can. DEAN: Why? Why me? Out of all the sick people, why save me? ROY: Well, like I said before, the Lord guides me. I looked into your heart, and you just stood out from all the rest. DEAN: What did you see in my heart? ROY: A young man with an important purpose. A job to do. And it isn’t finished. (DEAN looks slightly surprised.) (CUT TO: Locker room. SAM is talking to a friend of MARSHALL HALL, the heart attack victim.) MAN: I’m telling you, he seemed healthy. Swam every day, didn’t smoke. So, a heart attack just kind of seemed, well, bizarre. SAM: And you said he was running, right before he collapsed? MAN: Yeah, yeah, he was freaking out. He said that something was, uh, was after him. SAM: Did he say what? MAN: Well, thin air is what. I mean, it wasn’t anything. (SAM thinks for a second.) SAM: Alright, thanks. (He starts to leave, but notices a stopped clock on the wall.) Hey, buddy? Your, uh, your clock’s busted. MAN: Oh, yeah, we, uh, can’t get it workin’. Just froze at 4:17. SAM: Is that the same time Marshall died? MAN: How’d you know? (CUT TO: EXT. – ROY’s house. DEAN is leaving and sees LAYLA and her mother waiting to go in.) LAYLA: Dean, hey. DEAN: Hey. LAYLA: How you feeling? DEAN: I feel good. Cured, I guess. What are you doing here? LAYLA: You know, my mom, she wanted to talk to the reverend. (SUE ANN comes outside.) SUE ANN: Layla? LAYLA: Yes, I’m here again. SUE ANN: Well, I’m sorry, but Roy is resting, and he won’t be seeing anyone else right now. MRS. ROURKE: (upset) Sue Ann, please. This is our sixth time, he’s got to see us. SUE ANN: Roy is well aware of Layla’s situation. And he very much wants to help just as soon as the Lord allows. Have faith, Mrs. Rourke. (She goes inside. MRS. ROURKE turns to DEAN, visibly upset.) MRS. ROURKE: (cruelly) Why are you still even here? You got what you wanted. LAYLA: Mom. Stop. MRS. ROURKE: No, Layla, this is too much. We’ve been to every single service. If Roy would stop choosing these strangers over you. Strangers who don’t even believe. I just can’t pray any harder. DEAN: Layla, what’s wrong? LAYLA: (hesitantly) I have this thing…. MRS. ROURKE: It’s a brain tumor. It’s inoperable. In six months, the doctors say....(LAYLA puts a hand on her mother’s shoulder.) DEAN: I’m sorry. LAYLA: It’s okay. MRS. ROURKE: No. It isn’t. (She turns to DEAN.) Why do you deserve to live more than my daughter? (She walks away. LAYLA, nearly crying, follows her. DEAN looks upset.) (CUT TO: Motel Room. DEAN enters and finds SAM at his laptop, looking upset.) DEAN: What’d you find out? SAM: I’m sorry. DEAN: Sorry about what? SAM: Marshall Hall died at 4:17. DEAN: (stunned) The exact time I was healed. SAM: Yeah. So, I put together a list of everyone Roy’s healed, six people over the past year, and I cross-checked them with the local obits. (He hands DEAN a pile of research.) Every time someone was healed, someone else died. And each time, the victim died of the same symptom LeGrange was healing at the time. (A woman is shown running in the park, listening to music. She is able to sense the old man somewhere in the trees, and she stops.) DEAN: (VO) Someone’s healed of cancer, someone else dies of cancer? SAM: (VO) Somehow. LeGrange—he’s trading a life for another. WOMAN: Hello? (She looks around. The scene goes back to the motel.) DEAN: Wait, wait, wait. So, Marshall Hall died to save me? SAM: Dean, the guy probably would’ve died anyway. And someone else would’ve been healed. (The scene cuts to ROY’s church service. ROY has his hand on the forehead of an old man in a wheelchair, who is using an oxygen tube to breathe. The scene goes back to the motel.) DEAN: You never should’ve brought me here. SAM: Dean, I was just trying to save your life. DEAN: But, Sam, some guy is dead now because of me. SAM: I didn’t know. (The scene goes back to the service.) ROY: Pray with me, friends. (The crowd lifts their arms in the air.) SAM: (VO) The thing I don’t understand is how is Roy doing it? How’s he trading a life for a life? (The scene cuts to the motel.) DEAN: Oh, he’s not doing it. (The scene cuts to the park, where the woman is out of breath. She seems to have been running for a long time.) Something else is doing it for him. SAM: (VO) What do you mean? DEAN: (VO) The old man I saw on stage. (The woman in the park turns around and sees the old man standing in front of her. The scene goes back to the motel.) I didn’t wanna believe it, but deep down I knew it. SAM: You knew what? What are you talking about? DEAN: There’s only one thing that can give and take life like that. (SAM looks confused.) We’re dealing with a reaper. (The scene cuts to the park, where the woman is running away from the reaper. At the church service, ROY is preparing to heal the old man. The scene returns to the park, where the woman is still running. She looks behind her, and when she turns back around, she crashes into the reaper, who is now in front of her. She falls to the ground. The reaper puts his hand on the side of her face, and her face begins to lose its color. The scene cuts to the church service, where ROY puts his hand on the old man’s head. Once again, the scene returns to the park. The woman gasps for breath, while her face continues to get paler. A moment later, she falls to the ground, dead. The scene cuts to the church service. The reaper, who is invisible to the crowd, also places his hand on the old man’s head. The crowd watches while the old man falls to his knees. The color returns to his face, and he is able to breathe without his oxygen tube. ROY smiles, and the crowd claps and cheers. The screen goes black.) (FADE IN: Motel Room. DEAN and SAM are researching.) SAM: You really think it’s the Grim Reaper? Like, angel of death, collect your soul, the whole deal? DEAN: No, no, no. Not the Reaper, a reaper. There’s reaper lore in pretty much every culture on Earth. Go by a hundred different names. It’s possible that there’s more than one of ‘em. SAM: But you said you saw a dude in a suit. DEAN: Well, what, do you think he should’ve been workin’ the whole black robe thing? You said it yourself that the clock stopped, right? (He holds up a piece of paper with a reaper on it.) Reapers stop time. And you can only see ‘em when they’re comin’ at you, which is why I could see it and you couldn’t. SAM: Maybe. DEAN: There’s nothing else it could be, Sam. The question is how’s Roy controllin’ the damn thing? SAM: That cross. DEAN: What? SAM: There was this cross. I noticed it in the church tent, I knew I had seen it before. (He shuffles through a stack of tarot cards and picks one. It depicts a skeleton with a crown on its head. The cross is in the corner of the picture. He shows it to DEAN.) Here. DEAN: A tarot? SAM: It makes sense. I mean, tarot dates back to the early Christian era, right? When some priests were still using magic? And a few of them veered into the dark stuff. Necromancy, and how to push death away, how to cause it. DEAN: So, Roy is using black magic to bind the reaper? SAM: If he is, he’s riding the whirlwind. It’s like putting a dog leash on a Great White. (DEAN stops to think.) DEAN: Ok, then we stop Roy. SAM: How? DEAN: You know how. SAM: Wait, what the hell are you talking about, Dean? We can’t kill Roy. DEAN: Sam, the guy’s playing God, he’s deciding who lives and who dies, that’s a monster in my book. SAM: No, we’re not gonna kill a human being, Dean. We do that, we’re no better than he is. DEAN: Okay, so we can’t kill Roy, we can’t kill death. Any bright ideas, college boy? SAM: Okay, uh, if Roy is using some kind of black spell on the reaper, we’ve gotta figure out what it is. And how to break it. (CUT TO: Parking lot. Outside ROY’s church.) SAM: If Roy is using a spell, there might be a spell book. DEAN: See if you can find it. (He checks his watch.) Hurry up, too, the service starts in fifteen minutes. I’ll try to stall Roy. SAM: Alright. (They walk by the man who is protesting. He is handing out flyers.) MAN: Roy LeGrange is a fraud. He’s no healer. DEAN: Amen, brother. SAM: You keep up the good word. MAN: Thank you. (CUT TO: EXT – ROY LEGRANGE’s house. SUE ANN and another man are helping ROY down the porch steps on their way to the service. When they are gone, SAM sneaks around to the front of the house and climbs in through a window.) (CUT TO: INT – house. SAM goes into ROY’s library. He begins looking through the books on the shelves. He notices that all the untouched books have a layer of dust on the shelf. He comes across a book that is not coated with dust. It is the Encyclopedia of Christian History. SAM pulls it out and flips through it. He looks at the shelf and notices a smaller book behind the space where the encyclopedia was. He flips through the smaller book and sees a picture of a reaper on one page. He flips back one page and sees a picture of the cross from the church. SAM finds a few newspaper clippings between the pages of the small book. The first is a headline about an openly gay teacher sending a strong message to the nation’s schools. The next headline reads “Local Abortion Rights Advocate Calls For End To Violence Against Women”. SAM finds a third newspaper clipping, which is about the parking lot protestor, DAVID WRIGHT, calling ROY’s church a cult. SAM looks stunned.) (CUT TO: INT. – Church. DEAN’s cell phone rings.) DEAN: What do you got? (The scene alternates between the church and the parking lot.) SAM: Roy’s choosing victims he sees as immoral. And I think I know who’s next on his list. Remember that protestor? DEAN: The guy in the parking lot? SAM: Yeah. Yeah, I’ll find him. But you can’t let Roy heal anyone, alright? (DEAN hangs up. The service is about to start.) (CUT TO: Parking lot. SAM is looking for DAVID.) (CUT TO: Church.) ROY: Layla. Layla Rourke, come up here, child. (The crowd claps and cheers. LAYLA and her mother hug.) LAYLA: Oh, mom. MRS. ROURKE: Baby, I love you. DEAN: (to himself) Oh, man. (CUT TO: Parking lot. SAM is still looking.) (CUT TO: Church. LAYLA is walking up to the stage. DEAN stops her.) DEAN: (whispering) Layla, listen to me, you can’t go up there. LAYLA: Why not? We’ve waited for months. DEAN: You can’t let Roy heal you. LAYLA: I don’t understand. I mean, Roy healed you, didn’t he? Why wouldn’t I at least let him try? DEAN: Because if you do, something bad is gonna happen. I can’t explain, I just need you to believe me. SUE ANN: Layla. (She gestures for LAYLA to come on stage.) DEAN: Please. (LAYLA looks at her mother, who is also urging her to go.) LAYLA: I’m sorry. (She walks away.) DEAN: Layla. Layla! (SUE ANN brings LAYLA on stage. DEAN looks upset.) (CUT TO: Parking lot.) DAVID: (OS) Help! (SAM hears DAVID and keeps looking around for him. DAVID is at another part of the parking lot, being followed by the reaper.) (CUT TO: Church.) ROY: Pray with me, friends. (to LAYLA) I hope you’re ready. LAYLA: I am. (The crowd raises their arms.) (CUT TO: Parking lot. DAVID is still being followed.) DAVID: Help! Help me, please! (SAM finds him.) SAM: Where is it? (DAVID points to where the reaper is, but SAM cannot see it.) DAVID: It’s right there! SAM: Alright, come on! (SAM and DAVID start running away.) (CUT TO: Church. ROY is about to place his hand on LAYLA’s head.)
DEAN: (OS) Fire! Hey, tent’s on fire! (The crowd looks around frantically, then starts to rush out of the church.) Fire! Everybody, get out of here! MRS. ROURKE: (upset) No! No, please! Please, don’t stop! Please! Reverend, please! Please! Please, don’t stop! Please! (DEAN, clearly disappointed, dials a number on his cell phone.) ROY: Friends, if you’d all just leave the tent in an orderly fashion, then we can figure out what’s going on out there. DEAN: I did it. I stopped Roy. (The scene alternates between the church and the parking lot.) SAM: David, I think it’s okay. (DAVID nods at SAM. When he turns back around, the reaper is standing in front of him.) DAVID: No! SAM: Dean, it didn’t work! The reaper’s still comin’! (SAM watches DAVID fall to the ground, and his face is losing its color quickly. The screen goes black.) (FADE IN: Parking lot. SAM is still on the phone with DEAN, while DAVID is dying.) SAM: I’m tellin’ you! I’m tellin’ you, it must not have worked. Roy must not be controlling this thing! DEAN: Well, then who the hell is? (He looks around the church and sees SUE ANN in the corner, with her back turned, whispering.) Sue Ann. (He hangs up the phone and walks over to her. He turns her around and sees she has the cross from the tarot card around her neck.) (CUT TO: Parking lot. The reaper suddenly takes his hand off DAVID’s face and backs away.) (CUT TO: Church.) SUE ANN: (tucking the cross inside her shirt) Help! Help me! Help! (Two sheriffs take DEAN away.) (CUT TO: Parking lot. The reaper walks away from DAVID and vanishes. SAM helps DAVID up.) SAM: I got ya. I got ya. DAVID: (gasping for breath) Thank God. (CUT TO: EXT. – Church tent.) SUE ANN: I just don’t understand. After everything we’ve done for you, after Roy healed you. We’re very, very disappointed, Dean. (to the sheriffs) You can let him go, I’m not gonna press charges. The Lord will deal with him as he sees fit. (She walks away.) SHERIFF: We catch you around here again, son, we’ll put the fear of God in you, understand? DEAN: Yes, sir. Fear of God. Got it. (The sheriffs walk away. DEAN turns around and sees LAYLA.) Layla. LAYLA: Why would you do that, Dean? When it could’ve been my only chance. DEAN: He’s not a healer. LAYLA: He healed you. DEAN: I know it doesn’t seem fair. And I wish I could explain, but Roy is not the answer. I’m sorry. LAYLA: (sadly) Goodbye, Dean. I wish you luck. I really do. DEAN: Same to you. (He watches her leave.) You deserve it a lot more than me. (He walks by ROY, SUE ANN, and MRS. ROURKE and overhears them talking.) ROY: Private session tonight. No interruptions. I give you my word. I’ll heal your daughter. MRS. ROURKE: Thank you, Reverend. God bless you. (DEAN watches them walk away.) (CUT TO: Motel bedroom.) SAM: So Roy really believes? DEAN: I don’t think he has any idea what his wife’s doing. SAM: Well, I found this hidden in their library. (He shows DEAN the small book he found.) It’s ancient. Written by a priest who went dark side. There’s a binding spell in here for trapping a reaper. (DEAN looks through the book.) DEAN: Must be a hell of a spell. SAM: Yeah. You’ve got to build a black altar, with seriously dark stuff. Bones, human blood. To cross the line like that, that preacher’s wife. Black magic, murder. Evil. DEAN: Desperate. Her husband was dying, she’d have done anything to save him. She was using the binding spell to keep the reaper away from Roy. SAM: Cheating death. Literally. DEAN: Yeah, but Roy’s alive, so why’s she still using the spell? SAM: Right. To force the reaper to kill people she thinks are immoral. DEAN: May God save us from half the people who think they’re doing God’s work. SAM: We’ve gotta break that binding spell, Dean. (DEAN notices the picture of the cross that SUE ANN had.) DEAN: You know, Sue Ann had a Coptic cross like this. And when she dropped it, the reaper backed off. SAM: So, you think we’ve gotta find the cross or destroy the altar? DEAN: Maybe both? (SAM looks annoyed.) Whatever we do, we better do it soon. Roy’s healing Layla tonight. (CUT TO: Church parking lot. SAM and DEAN pull up.) SAM: That’s Layla’s car. She’s already here. DEAN: (half-heartedly) Yeah. SAM: Dean. DEAN: You know, if Roy would have picked Layla instead of me, she’d be healed right now. SAM: Dean, don’t. DEAN: And if she’s not healed tonight, she’s gonna die in a couple months. SAM: What’s happening to her is horrible. But, what are you gonna do? Let somebody else die to save her? You said it yourself, Dean. You can’t play God. (DEAN says nothing. They get out of the car and look to see what’s going on in the tent.) ROY: Gather round. Please, everyone, gather round. Come in closer. Come on up. (LAYLA gets on the stage.) DEAN: Where’s Sue Ann? SAM: House. (CUT TO: EXT. – House.) DEAN: Go find Sue Ann. I’ll catch up. SAM: What are you—? (DEAN goes around to the front of the house and sees the two sheriffs from the service.) DEAN: Hey. You gonna put that fear of God in me? (He runs away and the sheriffs start chasing him. When they are gone, SAM goes onto the porch and looks around the outside of the house.) (CUT TO: Parking lot. DEAN hides behind a trailer. The sheriffs keep looking for him.) (CUT TO: EXT. – House. SAM is looking for a way in, when he notices a cellar.) (CUT TO: Parking lot. The sheriffs are looking on the other side of the trailer.) SHERIFF 1: You see him? SHERIFF 2: No. (CUT TO: EXT. – House. SAM opens the cellar door and goes down the stairs.) (CUT TO: Parking lot. A barking dog appears in the window of the trailer. The sheriffs see it.) SHERIFF 1: Psycho mutt. (They walk away. The camera pans to DEAN, who is on top of the trailer.) (CUT TO: Cellar. SAM finds SUE ANN’s black altar. It is covered with crosses, blood, bones, and candles. In the middle of the altar is a picture of DEAN, taken from the church’s security camera. There is an X across his face, written in blood.) SUE ANN: I gave your brother life, and I can take it away. (SAM turns around and sees her. He overturns the altar, and SUE ANN goes outside and locks the cellar door with a metal bar. She talks to him from outside while he tries to open the door.) Sam, can’t you see? The Lord chose me to reward the just and punish the wicked. And your brother is wicked. And he deserves to die just as Layla deserves to live. It's God’s will. (SAM tries to open a small window in the cellar.) Goodbye, Sam. (SUE ANN leaves. SAM uses a bar to open the window.) (CUT TO: Church service. ROY takes MRS. ROURKE’s hand.) ROY: Mrs. Rourke, pray with me. Pray with me, friends. (CUT TO: Parking lot. DEAN is walking, when all the streetlamps suddenly go out.) (CUT TO: Church. ROY is about to heal LAYLA.) (CUT TO: Parking lot. DEAN turns around and sees the reaper standing a few feet away. He starts walking towards DEAN, but DEAN does not run away. The screen goes black.) (FADE IN: Church.) ROY: Alright. Alright, now. (He puts his hand on LAYLA’s shoulder. Outside the tent, SUE ANN is holding her cross and praying in Latin.) (CUT TO: Parking lot. The reaper puts his hand on the side of DEAN’s face. DEAN groans in pain. At the church service, ROY moves his hand to LAYLA’s face. Outside the tent, SUE ANN is still praying. Inside the service, LAYLA falls to her knees, while DEAN does the same in the parking lot. The color begins to drain from his face as he gasps for breath. Behind the tent, SAM comes up to SUE ANN and rips the cross from around her neck. He throws it on the ground and it shatters.) SUE ANN: No! (CUT TO: Parking lot. The reaper suddenly takes his hand off of DEAN’s face. At the church service, ROY removes his hand from LAYLA without healing her.) ROY: I don’t understand. LAYLA: I don’t feel different. (CUT TO: EXT. – Tent. SUE ANN runs over to the broken cross.) SUE ANN: My God! What have you done?! SAM: He’s not your God. (CUT TO: Church.) LAYLA: Reverend? ROY: Sue Ann? (CUT TO: EXT. – Tent. SUE ANN looks up and sees the reaper standing close by, smiling. She gets up and turns around, but the reaper appears in front of her. He puts his hand on her face, and she falls to the ground, getting paler by the second. A moment later, she collapses and twitches before dying completely. SAM watches her for a second, and then leaves.) (CUT TO: Parking lot. SAM and DEAN are back at the car.) SAM: You okay? DEAN: A little bit weak. SAM: Yeah. Alright, come on, we should get going. (They get in the car.) (CUT TO: Motel bedroom. SAM and DEAN are getting ready to leave. DEAN is sitting on the bed, looking sad.) SAM: What is it? DEAN: Nothing. SAM: What is it? DEAN: We did the right thing here, didn’t we? SAM: Of course we did. DEAN: Didn’t feel like it. (There is a knock at the door.) SAM: I got it. (He opens the door. LAYLA is there.) Hey, Layla. Come on in. (She comes in.) LAYLA: Hey. DEAN: Hey. How’d you know we were here? LAYLA: Um, Sam called. He said you wanted to say goodbye. (SAM smiles.) SAM: I’m gonna grab a soda. (He leaves.) LAYLA: So, um, where are you going? DEAN: Don’t know yet. Our work kind of takes us all over. (She nods.) LAYLA: You know, I went back to see Roy. DEAN: What happened? (LAYLA sighs.) LAYLA: Nothing. (They sit down on the bed.) I mean, he laid his hand on my forehead, but nothing happened. DEAN: I’m sorry. I’m sorry it didn’t work. LAYLA: And Sue Ann. She’s dead, you know? Stroke. DEAN: Yeah, I heard. I mean, Roy’s a good man. He doesn’t deserve what’s happened. (They sit in silence for a minute.) It must be rough. To believe in something so much, and have it disappoint you like that. LAYLA: You wanna hear something weird? DEAN: Hm? LAYLA: I’m okay. Really. I guess, if you're gonna have faith, you can’t just have it when the miracles happen. You have to have it when they don’t. DEAN: So, what now? (She shrugs.) LAYLA: God works in mysterious ways. (She strokes his face.) Goodbye, Dean. (She goes to leave.) DEAN: Hey. (She turns around.) Uh, you know, I’m not much of the prayin’ type. But I’m gonna pray for you. (LAYLA looks very touched.) LAYLA: (close to tears) Well. There’s a miracle right there. (DEAN watches her leave. The screen fades to black.)